Thursday, July 10, 2008

5:55am..I can't believe it

I can't believe that I've worked all night getting this image "thing" together. I didn't give up, but I had no idea that I would work through the night trying to get it together. After an hour or so of reading and looking for free tools online, I realized that I have Gimp on my computer already! So, I find a great tutorial and start my adventure. How was I to know that the visual aids they provided would be a stumbling block for the next several hours. It wasn't until I just gave up and moved to the next step that I realized that the visual aid didn't actually correspond with that step. And, I could have been done hours ago! Anyway, I have something created and I think after all of my attempts and restarts, I am familiar enough to try it again...hopefully not for a while though. Talk about CLT? I'm totally brain dead now...but will take the opportunity to find a drive through DD and treat myself to breakfast with Hot Chocolate.

Good night...or should I say good morning??????

How Much is Too Much?

This is a question that really racked my brain tonight (or early morning). I was experimenting with adding an image to my header. I have lot's of pics of family and friends...but how much information is too much? Although I love my nieces, nephews other relatives and friends, I don't know if I want to share my pictures on the web. Additionally, as I try to protect my right to privacy, do I really want my personal pictures posted? I don't know the answer to this. I like the idea of blogging and believe that I could actually begin to journal here. However, a what point is your personal life private when you work in the field of "public education". I know this is probably the million dollar question and if I had the answer, I could sell it to many companies, including local school districts, because it would solve all of the problems they foresee with giving students access to the "big, bad" Internet. (smiles) Wouldn't that be a life altering event if I could solve that problem.

Either way, I decided to share a little bit of myself and the person who makes me smile (on most days). You've heard the name often and now you have a face to attach to it. As you can see, I'm all smiles. We were celebrating our birthdays together in this picture, surrounded with family, friends, good food and drinks. I can't think of a better place to be.

Good night to all.