Thursday, July 10, 2008

5:55am..I can't believe it

I can't believe that I've worked all night getting this image "thing" together. I didn't give up, but I had no idea that I would work through the night trying to get it together. After an hour or so of reading and looking for free tools online, I realized that I have Gimp on my computer already! So, I find a great tutorial and start my adventure. How was I to know that the visual aids they provided would be a stumbling block for the next several hours. It wasn't until I just gave up and moved to the next step that I realized that the visual aid didn't actually correspond with that step. And, I could have been done hours ago! Anyway, I have something created and I think after all of my attempts and restarts, I am familiar enough to try it again...hopefully not for a while though. Talk about CLT? I'm totally brain dead now...but will take the opportunity to find a drive through DD and treat myself to breakfast with Hot Chocolate.

Good night...or should I say good morning??????


Demetri said...

I really like the rainbowish background fill to your text. I think somehow the clarity of the text edges was lost. I hope in your next round with gimp you are able to resolve that. Let us know if you need any help with that. I'd also recommend cropping it to be just the size of the text... no need to have the large black space above and below. Or perhaps you're planning to superimpose the text onto a picture?

atechtchr2c said...

Thanks for the feedback Demetri. This was my first experience with digital imaging and I used one of the tutorials provided on a help site. I was focusing on the concept of creation so there were many things that I think I would change in the future. For example, I think the text would have been a better visual if I had changed the font and size of the text. Additionally, the tutorial called for the black layer and the color of the text. I think the next time I would spend some time with my own color or pattern to use. Perhaps in the future, I will also investigate the text onto a picture. For now, I'm glad that it's accomplished and I can begin to investigate how this knowledge can be used in my future endeavors.